Fixing “Invalid token” on Joomla front end

In Joomla I had a problem with doing a logout from the front end. Clicking once would seemingly have no result. Clicking twice would take you to an “invalid token” page.

After a lot of unsuccessful internet searching I ended up turning setting error reporting to ‘maximum’ in System>Global Configuration>Server. Continue reading Fixing “Invalid token” on Joomla front end

Mac users: make your own launcher app for command-line utilities via AppleScript

I’ve been using HIDE lately for Haxe development. It installs and runs from the command line normally, and I quickly get tired of having to summon the Terminal in order to launch it. Here’s what I did to make it launch from my Dock:

  1. Open up AppleScript Editor (it’s in your Applications/Utilities folder, or find it using Spotlight).
  2. Create a new script.
  3. Paste the following line into the editor:
    do shell script “haxelib run HIDE”
  4. If you click the Run button at this point, it should launch HIDE for you.
  5. Select File>Save and choose “Application” as the file format. Save it in your Applications folder.
  6. Find the application now and drag it to your Dock for quick access.

This technique works for any Terminal command of course. Enjoy!